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        校      訓(xùn):追求卓越,止于至善;

        校      風(fēng):弘毅寬厚,守文持正;

        教      風(fēng):愛生如子,誨人不倦;

        學(xué)      風(fēng):尊師重學(xué),自強不息。

        Education Philosophy:Carry out the sincerest education and personalize a path to accomplishments and success for each student

        School-running target:The school will be developed into a distinctive school with high level in education quality, modernization and internationalization in the province or even the whole country.

        Training objective:Cultivate inter-disciplinary talents with emphasis on both arts and sciences, national spirit, leadership, international perspective and ability of multicultural understanding

        School motto:Purse excellence and strive for perfection

        School spirit: Be generous while being ambitious; Stick to justice while abiding by rules

        Teaching style:Love your students like your own children and be tireless in teaching

        Learning style:Respect teachers, concentrate on study and constantly strive to become stronger

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